SENSIL TrendBook 2024
The MOOD SS SS FW FW FW 14-1714 TPG 15-3716 TPG 14-0443 TPG SS 17-4328 TPG 17-1818 TPG 11-0618 TPG T here is a real and virtual inspiration, in- dividually or jointly emanating from the metaverse, as fabrics take on the rounded elements within a VR experience. For real time, the emphasis is on the activities that can be undertak- en, as consumers take their avatars on new adven- tures and sporting participation. E-sports alone is a multi-billion dollar industry, with real apparel requiring the high performance and creativity that SENSIL ® can deliver. Accents take on a dreamlike hue, adjustable through the different luster SENSIL ® offers. From perfect matte through to bright luminosity, the accents take on a digitalized virtual appearance. VIRTUAL REALITY | PARALLEL | VERSATILE | IMMERSIVE | GLITCH Seasonal Color Accents 2024